

Key Product Features

  • 1/4 Brick Package Size
  • Ultra Wide 12:1 Input
  • Railway Approved
  • Low Standby Power
  • Up to 160V Input and Up to 53V Output
  • 39W-150W Output Power

Technical Features

  • < 1U High
  • Remote On/Off


(For detailed information, please refer to the instruction manual)

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Product Data

  • Datasheet
  • Instruction Manual
  • Glossary of Technical Terms


Safety Certificates

Powerbox is recognized for technical innovations that reduce energy consumption and its ability to manage full product lifecycles while minimizing environmental impact. Powerbox is a Cosel Group Company.

Basic Specification PQAE100-72S05U PQAE100-72S12U PQAE100-72S15U PQAE100-72S24U PQAE100-72S28U PQAE100-72S48U PQAE100-72S53U
  Check Stock Check Stock Check Stock Check Stock Check Stock Check Stock Check Stock
Input Voltage Range DC14 - 160V DC14 - 160V DC14 - 160V
Output Voltage / Current 5V 20A 12V 8.4A 15V 6.7A 24V 4.2A 28V 3.6A 48V 2.1A 53V 1.9A
Output Power 100W 100.8W 100.5W 100.8W 100.7W
Output Voltage Adj Range Refer to datasheet Refer to datasheet Refer to datasheet
Operating Temp (°C)
Cooling Method Conduction/baseplate Conduction/baseplate Conduction/baseplate
Dimensions (W x H x D) 36.8x12.7x57.9mm 36.8x12.7x57.9mm 36.8x12.7x57.9mm
Safety Agency Approvals
Technical Data PQAE100-72S05U PQAE100-72S12U PQAE100-72S15U PQAE100-72S24U PQAE100-72S28U PQAE100-72S48U PQAE100-72S53U
Performance Data On request On request On request On request On request On request On request
EMC Data On request On request On request On request On request On request On request
Expected Life N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
MTBF On request On request On request On request On request On request On request
Reliability Data